5.1.3. Installation Dependencies

In order to compile Holmes-Totem you have to install sbt (Scala Build Tool). See the official `website <sbt_>`_ for more info.

echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/sbt/debian /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y sbt Configuration

There’s two files of interest here:

  • config/docker-compose.yml
  • config/totem.conf

The docker-compose config file is responsible for service launch configuration. Each entry in the services: section is of the form:

    context: ../src/main/scala/org/holmesprocessing/totem/services/<name>
      conf: ${CONFSTORAGE_<name_uppercase>}service.conf
    - "<port>:8080"
  restart: unless-stopped
    - /tmp:/tmp:ro
<name> The name of the service, all lowercase usually and the same as the folder name.
<name_uppercase> The same as the <name>, but uppercase.

The service port. Convention is 7700,7710,7720, ... for the services processing files and 9700,9710,9720, ... for the services that do not.

The simple reason for this is, that scaling the service deployment using a solution like docker-compose requires some free ports.

The totem config file mainly tells Totem what services are available and where to find them. But you can also configure its request timeouts here.

download_settings {
  connection_pooling = true
  connection_timeout = 1000
  download_directory = "/tmp/"
  thread_multiplier = 4
  request_timeout = 1000

tasking_settings {
  default_service_timeout = 180
  prefetch = 3
  retry_attempts = 3

rabbit_settings {
  requeueKey = "requeue.static.totem"
  host {
    server = ""
    port = 5672
    username = "guest"
    password = "guest"
    vhost = "/"


services {
  asnmeta {
    uri = [""]
    resultRoutingKey = "asnmeta.result.static.totem"


The above is an excerpt of the default configuration file. It is important to note that the connection_timeout and request_timeout are (counter-intuitively) not just associated with downloading samples. They apply to “downloading” results from services as well. If you experience a lot of service failures due to timeouts consider increasing these values. Additionally the tasking_settings.default_service_timeout may need changing, too. (The former two are given as milliseconds, the latter as seconds)

Most settings regarding RabbitMQ are of no interest to a regular user. The only things that need to be adjusted are the credentials and the address.

More interesting are the service entries. They offer the ability to configure multiple URIs for each service for automatic load balancing. The schema for the URIs and the routing key is always the same though.


The suffix result.static.totem always corresponds to the suffix defined in the RabbitMQ settings. Running

After installing sbt clone Holmes-Totem from the GitHub repository and build it from source.

mkdir -p /data/holmes-totem
cd /data/holmes-totem
git clone https://github.com/HolmesProcessing/Holmes-Totem.git .
sbt assembly

This will produce a jar-file. To start Totem, issue:

java -jar target/scala-2.11/totem-assembly-1.0.jar config/totem.conf

However, you’ll need to configure it first. (See the configuration documentation)